Beam element is a very versatile line-element; in general, it has six degrees of freedom at
each node, which include, translations and rotations along the x, y, and z directions, respectively. Figure 4.1 shows the positive directions of these displacements.
Beam element is employed to simulate a slender structure that has an uniform cross
section. The element is unsuitable for structures that have complex geometry, holes, and
points of stress concentration.
The stiffness constant of a beam element is derived by combining the stiffness constants
of a beam under pure bending, a truss element, and a torsion bar. Thus, a beam element
can represent a beam in bending, a truss element, and a torsion bar. In FEA it’s a
common practice to use beam elements to represent all or any of these three load types.
We will derive the element stiffness equation for a beam element by first deriving the
stiffness equation of a beam in bending, and then superimposing the stiffness of a truss
and a torsion bar element.
In this exercise the modeling with a beam element will be introduced. The method of modeling, meshing and a model analyzing will be shown. I am going to present, how to a whole geometry and model analyzing in the Femap software environment prepare. For the beginning exercise simple beam model will be used. The beam supported on the two ends will be prepared. All details are shown on the picture below:
1. Model details
a= 150 [mm]
b= 100 [mm]
c= 5[mm]
h= 10 [mm]
Materials data:
For the model steel St36 is used.
E= 2.05e-5 [N/mm2]
υ= 0.3
ρ= 7.85e-6 [kg/mm3]
Force = 1000 N
2. Geometry
To create geometry please follow the steps:
Creating a point:
Geometry => Point (fill in the points co ordinations in the window)
First point: 0,0,0 => OK
Second point: 150,0,0 => OK
Third point: 250,0,0 => OK
In the result , we receive 3 points (yellow crosses).
Creating a line:
Geometry => curve-line => points (points can be chosen by clicking on them or by filling the empty places in the window).
First line: first click on the left point and next on the middle point.
Second line: first click on the middle point and next on the right point.
In the result you have two lines like on the picture below:
3. Properties
To create properties please follow the steps:
Creating materials:
Model => Material
Please fill the STIFFNESS block as is shown on the picture below (that is minimum).
Creating properties
Model => Property
To create beam property please follow the number on the pictures.
Now the beam property is created.
4. Loads and boundary conditions
Creating loads:
Model=> Load => Create/ Manage Set => follow the numbers
Model=> Load => on point(s) => follow the numbers
Model=> constraints => Create/ Manage Set => follow the numbers
For the other point the constraint will be prepared in the same way
In the result we get the model as on the picture below.
5. Meshing
To mesh geometry follow the steps below.
Mesh=>Mesh control=>default size=> fill 10 in size gap
Mesh=>Mesh control => Attributes along curve => select all =>
Mesh => Geometry => Curve => select all => OK
Now we have completely meshed geometry with constraints and loads.
6. Analyzing
To analyze model must be create analyze set. It can be done by following way.
Model=> Analysis
7. Results
To receive analysis results as a graphic figure follow the steps below.
F5=>Beam Diagram=> chose contour type => OK => OK
Finally you receive the following graph:
End of the beam model tutorial and good luck !