piątek, 6 sierpnia 2010

Frame model



In this exercise the modeling with a beam element will be introduced. The method of modeling, meshing and a model analyzing will be shown. I am going to present, how to a whole geometry and model analyzing in the Femap software environment prepare. In the exercise a frame model will be prepared. The theoretical model is presented below:

1. Model details


a= 10 [m]
b= 5  [m]
c= 5  [m]
h= 5  [m]

Materials data:

For the model steel St36 is used.

E= 2.06e-11 [N/m2]
υ= 0.3
ρ= 7.85e3 [kg/m3]

Force = 1000 N

2. Geometry

To create geometry please follow the steps, most of the steps are the same as in the previous exercise so will be only decribed without pictures:

- Creating a point:
Geometry => Point (fill in the points co ordinations in the window)

First point: 0,0,0 => OK
Second point: 10,0,0 => OK
Third point: 5,5,0 => OK

In the result , we receive 3 points which give corners of triangle.

-Creating a line:

Connect the points in the way that give a triangle shape.
Geometry => curve-line => points 

-Coping the edges:
Geometry => Copy => Curve... => select all => in repetition window insert 3 and OK=> fill in like on the window => OK

In the result you have a model like on the picture below:

3. Properties

To create properties please follow the steps:

-Creating materials:

Model => Material

Please fill the STIFFNESS block as is shown on the picture below (that is minimum).

-Creating properties

Model => Property

To create beam property please follow the steps from the first exercise and pictures below.

Click Elem/Prop Type to choose the beam element.

Click OK and choose a shape button.

Now the beam property is created.

4. Loads and boundary conditions

-Creating loads:

Model=> Load => Create/ Manage Set => follow the numbers from the exercise 1 or try to do yourself

Model=> Load => on point(s) => choose a point (like on the picture below)

-Creating constraints:

Model=> constraints => Create/ Manage Set => follow the instruction from exercise 1
Please choose the points which are shown on the picture below.

In the result we get the model as on the picture below.

5. Meshing

To mesh geometry follow the steps below.

Mesh=>Mesh control=>default size=> fill 1 in size gap
Mesh=>Mesh control => Attributes along curve => select all => follow the steps from previous exercise
Mesh => Geometry => Curve => select all => OK

Now we have completely meshed geometry with constraints and loads. Which should looks like on the picture below:

6. Analyzing

Prepare the analysis set.

7. Results

To receive analysis results as a graphic figure follow the steps below.

F5=>Beam Diagram=> chose contour type => OK => OK

In contour choose "3167..Beam EndB Min Comb Stress"
To make a stress results more clear please push F6 button and open view options.

Finally you receive the following graph:

Results with Combined Stresses
Combine stress results with deflections

Extra exercise for individual performance:

Prepare and analyze model shown on the picture below:

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